Capacity Management

Capacity Management involves organization of environment resources and assigning processes to specific groups (‘clusters’).


Column Name Column Type Column Description
cluster_id Auto incrementing integer sequence System key for the cluster
cluster_name String(250) Unique name of the given cluster
cluster_max_memory Integer The maximum amount of memory allocated to the cluster. Optional.
cluster_max_memory_unit String(2) The unit of measure for the max memory field. Examples include: MB, GB, TB. Optional.
cluster_max_processing Integer The maximum amount of processing allocated to the cluster. Optional.
cluster_max_processing_unit Integer The unit of measure for the max processing field. Examples include: Ghz, CPU, DPU. Optional.
cluster_current_memory_usage Integer Based on the processes running within the cluster, how much memory are they using. Optional field. Not currently in use.
cluster_current_process_usage Integer Based on the processes running within the cluster, how much processing power are they using. Optional. Not currently in use.


This table tracks the relationships between clusters and processes. Used for performance balancing.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
cluster_id Integer The cluster of the cluster-process relationship. Foreign key to cluster_tracking_lkup.
process_id Integer The process of the cluster-process relationship. Foreign key to Process.