
This section provides details on the data store model for ProcessTracker.


ProcessTracker officially supports Postgresql and MySQL as fully tested and verified to work.

Support is also enabled for Oracle, MS-SQL, and Snowflake, but has not been fully tested thru the build stack. While it should Just Work (tm) until they can be tested thru the build stack and not just locally their status must remain ‘available but untested’.

Each subsection of the Model section covers a specific topic of the data store.

New with version 0.9.0, all tables are now equipped with stock audit fields:

stock audit fields
Column Name Column Type Column Description
created_date_time timestamp (with timezone, if available) The date/time that the record was created.
created_by integer The id of the actor who created the record. Implied foreign key to the Actor table.
update_date_time timestamp (with timezone, if available) The date/time that the record was last updated.
updated_by integer The id of the actor who updated the record. Implied foreign key to the Actor table.