Process Tracking

These are the tables associated with process tracking/handling. Links to other subjects will be provided as noted.


This table tracks the unique processes being tracked by ProcessTracker.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
process_id Auto incrementing integer sequence System key for the process
process_name String(250) Unique name of the process
total_record_count Integer Audit field that tracks the total number of records processed throughout the lifetime of the process.
process_type_id Integer The type of process. Foreign key to Process Type.
process_tool_id Integer The type of tool used to run the process. Foreign key to Tool.
last_failed_run_date_time Datetime/timestamp The date/time of the last failed run of this process.
schedule_frequency_id Integer The schedule frequency of the process. Foreign key to ScheduleFrequency
last_completed_run_date_time Datetime/timestamp The date/time of the last successful completion of this process
last_errored_run_date_time Datetime/timestamp The date/time of the last errored run of this process

Process Contact

This table tracks the relationship between processes and their contacts.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
process_id Integer The contact’s process. Foreign key to Process.
contact_id Integer The process’ contact. Foreign key to contact.

Process Dataset Type

This table tracks the relationship between process and dataset types.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
process_id Integer Foreign key to the Process table.
dataset_type_id Integer Foreign key to the Dataset Type table.

Process Dependency

This table tracks the interdependencies between processes, regardless of tool/method to execute said processes.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
parent_process_id Integer The parent process of the parent-child relationship. Foreign key to Process.
child_process_id Integer The child process of the parent-child relationship. Foreign key to Process.

Please note - the dependency hierarchy can theoretically go on infinitely. In reality only a few levels either way would realistically be used, but this type of relationship can cause performance issues.

Process Filter

This table tracks query filters for a given process.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
process_filter_id Integer Auto incrementing unique sequence
process_id Integer The filter’s process. Foreign key to Process.
source_object_attribute_id Integer The process filter’s source_object attribute. Foreign key to source_object_attribute.
filter_type_id Integer The filter’s type. Foreign key to Filter Type
filter_value_string String(250) For character based attributes, the string comparator.
filter_value_numeric Numeric For numeric based attributes, the numeric comparator.

Process Source

This table tracks what sources are used by a given process.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
source_id Integer The source system utilized by the process. Foreign key to Source.
process_id Integer The process utilizing the source. Foreign key to Process.

Process Source Object

This table tracks the finer grained relationship between process and source object.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
process_id Integer The process utilizing the source object. Foreign key to Process.
source_object_id Integer The source object being utilized by the process. Foreign key to Source Object.

Process Source Object Attribute

This table tracks even finer grained relationships between process and source object attributes.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
process_id Integer The Process associated to the source object attribute. Foreign key to Process.
source_object_attribute_id Integer The Source Object Attribute associated to the process. Foreign key to source_object_attribute.
source_object_attribute_alias String(250) The optional alias used by the process on the attribute.
source_object_attribute_expression String(250) The optional expression (calculation) used on the attribute.

Process Status

This table is a lookup table for the types of process statuses available in the system.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
process_status_id Auto incrementing integer sequence System key for the process
process_status_name String(75) Unique name of the process status

Some default process status types are provided on initialization.

Default Process Status Types
Process Status Type Description
running The process is running. No other instances or child dependencies can be run.
completed The process completed successfully. Other instances and child dependencies can be run.
failed The process did not complete successfully. Other instances may be run, but child dependencies will be blocked.

Other custom process status types can be added, but the system can not currently take advantage of them.

Process Target

This table tracks the targets that processes write to. Target is an alias of source since sources can be targets and vice-versa.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
target_source_id Integer The source system the process is writing to. Foreign key to Source.
process_id Integer the process utilizing the source. Foreign key to Process.

Process Target Object

This table tracks the finer grained relationship between process and source target object.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
process_id Integer The process utilizing the source object. Foreign key to Process.
target_object_id Integer The target object being utilized by the process. Foreign key to Source Object.

Process Target Object Attribute

This table tracks even finer grained relationships between process and target source object attributes.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
process_id Integer The Process associated to the target source object attribute. Foreign key to Process.
target_object_attribute_id Integer The Target Source Object Attribute associated to the process. Foreign key to source_object_attribute.
target_object_attribute_alias String(250) The optional alias used by the process on the attribute.
target_object_attribute_expression String(250) The optional expression (calculation) used on the attribute.

Process Tracking

This table is the core of the process tracking subsystem.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
process_tracking_id Auto incrementing integer sequence System key for the process run
process_id Integer The process being run. Foreign key to Process.
process_status_id Integer The current status of the process run. Foreign key to Process Status.
process_run_id Integer Unique sequence of the given process’ runs.
process_run_low_date_time Datetime The earliest derived datetime for data processed in this process run. Optional audit field.
process_run_high_date_time Datetime The latest derived datetime for data processed in this process run. Optional audit field.
process_run_start_date_time Datetime/timestamp The date/time that the process run was registered.
process_run_end_date_time Datetime/timestamp The date/time that the process finished running, regardless of success or failure.
process_run_record_count Integer For the given process run, the total number of records processed. Optional audit field.
process_run_actor_id Integer The person or thing that kicked off the process run. Foreign key to Actor.
is_latest_run Boolean Bit to determine if for the given process if the record is the latest run or not.
process_run_name String(250) Unique process instance name, optional.

Process Type

This table is a lookup of the various process types available.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
process_type_id Auto incrementing integer sequence System key for the process type
process_type_name String(250) Unique name of the process type

Some default process types are provided on initialization.

Default Process Types
Process Type Description
Extract Process that is focused on extracting data.
Load Process that is focused on loading data.

Custom process types can be added.