
Sources are data stores that can either be the source of data to be processed or targets for processes to write data to.

Character Set

This table tracks the character set used by data

Column Name Column Type Column Description
character_set_id Integer Primary key
character_set_name String(75) ~Unique name of the given character set

Data Type

This table tracks the unique data types of source object attributes.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
data_type_id Integer Auto incrementing unique sequence.
data_type String(75) Unique data type name.

Dataset Type

This table tracks dataset types (i.e. Customer, Sales, Employee, etc.).

Column Name Column Type Column Description
dataset_type_id Auto incrementing integer sequence System key for the dataset type
dataset_type String(250) Unique name of the given dataset type

Filter Type

This table tracks the unique filter types used by processes.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
filter_type_id Integer Auto incrementing unique sequence
filter_type_code String(3) The unique code for a given filter type.
filter_type_name String(75) The unique filter type name.

Some default filter types are provided on initialization.

Default Filter Types
Filter Type Code Filter Type Name Description
eq equal to Does the attribute equal to a given value?
lt less than Is the attribute less than a given value?
gt greater than Is the attribute greater than a given value?
lte less than or equal to Is the attribute less than or equal to a given value?
gte greater than or equal to Is the attribute greater than or equal to a given value?
not not equal Does the attribute not equal to a given value?
lke like Is the attribute like a given value?
in in set Is the attribute in a given value set?


This is the core table tracking sources/targets. Note that one data flow’s source is likely another data flow’s target. They are all stored here.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
source_id Auto incrementing integer sequence System key for the source
source_name String(250) Unique name of the given source.
character_set_id Integer The source’s character set. Foreign key to Character Set
source_type_id Integer The source’s type. Foreign key to Source Type.

Source Contact

This table tracks the relationship between sources and contacts.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
source_id Integer The Contact’s source system. Foreign key to Source.
contact_id Integer The Source system’s contact(s). Foreign key to Contact.

Source Dataset Type

This table tracks the relationship between sources and dataset types.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
source_id Integer Foreign key to the Source table
dataset_type_id Integer Foreign key to the Dataset Type table

Source Location

This table tracks relationships between sources and the location(s) where their data is stored.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
source_id Integer Foreign key to the Source table
location_id Integer Foreign key to the Location table

Source Object

This is the core table tracking source/target objects.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
source_object_id Auto incrementing integer sequence System key for the source object
source_id Integer Foreign key to Source.
source_object_name String(250) Unique object name from given source.

Source Object Attribute

This is the core table tracking source/target object attributes.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
source_object_attribute_id Integer Auto incrementing integer sequence.
source_object_attribute_name String(250) Name of the source object attribute. Must be unique to the source_object.
source_object_id Integer The attribute’s source object. Foreign key to Source Object
attribute_path String(750) For attributes from sources like json, the path to get to the attribute.
data_type_id Integer The data type of the attribute. Foreign key to Data Type
data_length Integer The length of the attribute.
data_decimal Integer How many decimal places of the attribute.
is_pii Boolean Is the attribute Personally Identifiable Information (PII)?
default_value_string String(250) For string based attributes, the default value.
default_value_number Numeric For numeric based attributes, the default value.
is_key Boolean Is this attribute part of the key for the object?
is_filter Boolean Is this attribute part of the set used to determine if changes have occurred?
is_partition Boolean Is this attribute used to partition the data set?

Source Object Dataset Type

This table tracks the relationship between source/target objects and dataset types.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
source_object_id Integer Foreign key to the Source Object table
dataset_type_id Integer Foreign key to the Dataset Type table

Source Object Location

This table tracks relationships between source objects and the location(s) where their data is stored.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
source_object_id Integer Foreign key to the Source Object table
location_id Integer Foreign key to the Location table

Source Type

This table provides unique source types to classify sources.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
source_type_id Integer Primary key
source_type_name String(75) Unique source type for classification of sources

The following defaults are provided on initialization.

system_lkup defaults
System Key System Value Description
1 Undefined The source does not have a source type defined
2 Database The source is a relational database
3 Internal The source is internal to your company
4 External The source is external to your company